
Friday, 6 September 2013

''Fukushima nuclear leaks 18 times worse than we were told''- Truthloader Investigates

Truthloader Investigating the Fukushima cover up

''In March 2011 the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was struck by a devastating earthquake and tsunami. Three reactors went into meltdown and a maximum, level 7 nuclear disaster was declared, putting it on a par with Chernobyl. Since then the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) has been managing the crisis but has been accused of making a series of mistakes and attempting to cover up just how bad the disaster really is. 

Recent admissions about large and potentially disastrous leaks have shed light on how dire the situation really is at Fukushima. Truthloader decided to have a look at some of the alleged cock-ups and cover-ups Tepco have made along the way.''

My views

This was the video description, and it very well sums up the current events over in Fukushima.  Tepco originally had thought that the radiation was at 100 millisieverts, but their equipment was only capable recording a maximum reading of 100 millisieverts. The actual radioactive level? 1800 millisieverts. 18 times more than originally recorded. That kind of radioactivity can kill within seconds, and thousands of gallons of water that have that kind of radioactivity are leaking into the Pacific. This water was used to cool the reactors to stop a meltdown, so Tepco knew about this problem, but decided to turn a blind eye at the World's expense. 

What are your thoughts on the topic? Write a comment below on your views on this problem. 


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